Weather Forecast Generator

* Not working right for you? Try the legacy version instead: Click here *
Language Select:
Forecast Length:
Background Color:
Temperature Units:

Please use in landscape mode. Optimal use of this site occurs with a laptop, desktop, or tablet.
Title Display Modes:
Title Display Options:
Save Forecast As Image

Save Image
* This will reload the page with the current name, city, and selected temperature unit, day quantity (5 or 7), and hemisphere. Use the check buttons above to optionally save the items described. The new page can then be bookmarked to reference with those preferred settings in-tact.

Brief update history:

How to change features * Click/tap on the canvas to modify sky condition, descriptors, and UVI (if toggled)*
Cycle thru sky conditions Cycle thru descriptors Select/change the UVI

Use this forecast generator to make/publish/share your own predictions. If you like forecasting, it's a nice simple way of making a graphical representation for your audience/peers. Parents and/or teachers can use it to assist their kids to make their own forecasts, and who knows, maybe spark an interest in science or meteorology.

Thank you for your feedback as well. In general, much of the functionality is influenced by user-feedback/requests which has allowed me an opportunity to expand my programming understanding. It is humbling to know that something I've made and worked at for a long time has benefited others.

Thanks to for some very useful guides on programming (HTML5, Canvas, JS, CSS guides assisted here).