Last Called:
1 16 31 46 61
2 17 32 47 62
3 18 33 48 63
4 19 34 49 64
5 20 35 50 65
6 21 36 51 66
7 22 37 52 67
8 23 38 53 68
9 24 39 54 69
10 25 40 55 70
11 26 41 56 71
12 27 42 57 72
13 28 43 58 73
14 29 44 59 74
15 30 45 60 75
Select Side for Call Display:
Placement of Caller Button:
Recent-Calls List Direction:
Are you sure you want to start a new game?
* If the experimental presentation remote control feature is turned on, press ⪡ to cancel and ⪢ to confirm.

Fullscreen Bingo Caller


Fullscreen Bingo Caller assists users in playing Bingo. It enables players to see previously-called numbers and the most-recent calls. A call buffer feature prevents the host from accidentally or pre-maturely calling a new number.

A large set of customizations are possible via the "options" button, including layout, call-buffer options, presentation-remote use, and colors. Browser localStorage enables these customizations to be saved and re-loaded upon subsequent visits.

This page is optimized for smartboards and other touch-screen devices (like tablets) but should work on any device. In general, the larger the screen, the better. ...Or that is the hope.


Use these to attempt to request/revoke fullscreen usage; . For example, lots of browsers for android-based devices (not only phones, but even smartboards) don't give their users this simple control over their browsing experience.

*EXPERIMENTAL* Use this if the page refreshed unexpectedly or if a new game was started by mistake. This will only work if the game has not started (no calls made).

Click this to clear all stored settings and styles. You must then refresh the page. It will then react as if you're visiting the page for the first time.

Show a basic event log. If turned off, the logs history will be deleted.
